The afternoon and evening demo sessions flowed on from each other and from the class earlier in the day. Everyone gathered around in chairs and watched Leandra demonstrate lots of her techniques including brayering and the use of foam to get the paint down, along with creating backgrounds using some of the new recent stamp releases. Here are some examples - the pink background piece looked very reminiscent of basic grey and gave everyone ideas on how to make their own backgrounds for so many things.
Leandra also showed us how she stamps onto a background and then uses the Fresco Paints to achieve a water colour effect in colouring the stamps. Below are two examples of where she has used Lyn Perrella stamps and the paints to give added depth and layers to the stamped images. It was fascinating to watch and we all learnt a huge amount from her.
And of course, after you've made a mess with paints, stamps, Treasure Gold, Stencils, Inks etc etc, some one has to clean up the mess !! Here's Leandra at my kitchen sink doing the honours !
and last but not least, a photo of us both together.
It was a quick visit, minimal planning, but so apreciated by both the Crafters Cupboard team and all our customers who were able to get at short notice on a working day. Next time we'll give you more notice - promise !!
Thanks again to Leandra and Mark for taking the time to detour through Melbourne and spend some valuable time with us all.
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